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Department of Ranking
The establishment of the Department of Ranking (DoR) under the purview of UiTM Global is a significant milestone as far as the UiTM internationalization agenda is concerned. This restructuring reflects the emphasis and priority given by the management in positioning UiTM to become an outstanding higher education institution at a global level.
The importance of ranking is very straight forward – it provides a shorthand list of institutions that may provide prospective students and parents with some information on what they’re looking for from a university. However, this function keeps on expanding as it increasingly influencing governments, external stakeholders and institutional management as it is useful for aiding decision-making in terms of funding and budgeting research activities.
On top of that, universities can rely on its their good ranking performance to attract the best brains and talent looking for a place to teach and at the same time provide international partners with information on universities for academic collaboration and impactful partnership.
On top of that, universities can rely on its their good ranking performance to attract the best brains and talent looking for a place to teach and at the same time provide international partners with information on universities for academic collaboration and impactful partnership.
UiTM’s involvement in ranking exercise can be traced as early as the year 2012 with the effort of sending the critical data without proper focus given at that time. The situation was changed drastically when the Ranking and Rating unit under the Institute of Quality & Knowledge Advancement (InQKA) was given the responsibility to manage all the relevant tasks related to ranking for the university.
This includes the process of data compilation, data cleaning as well as data submission to the various ranking body at both international as well as at national level. Since 2019, UiTM has also been involved in ‘Sustainability Focused’ ranking by participating in UI Green Metric and THE University Impact Ranking which specifically measures the commitment of the university in supporting the green environment and 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
At the strategic level, DoR is responsible for proposing recommendations to UiTM's top management in planning the strategies to improve visibility and reputation at national, regional and international levels. Consequently, these actions items were conveyed and communicated to the faculty and branches with the help of the Ranking Champion (RC) who functioned as ‘agent of change’ to bring everybody in their department to join the force in executing the initiatives for better ranking performance result. At the same time, a team of Resident Reviewer has been appointed to support the publication and citation matters due to the fact that these are the two key indicators assessed across all ranking bodies.
Even though ranking has become the headline of communication by the Vice-Chancellor from time to time, this agenda will never supersede the main social responsibility of UiTM in providing very wide education access for the Bumiputra. What ranking does actually is complementing this task by benchmark against other outstanding institutions to raise the standard and keeping UiTM to stay relevant in becoming a globally renowned university as stipulated in the UiTM2025 Blueprint.

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